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Made from top-quality glutinous rice, vegetarian chicken, vegetarian lamb, vegetarian ham, and mushrooms. The glutinous rice absorbs the essence of the sauce, and the taste is soft and sticky. 

Glutinous rice is rich in vitamin B, can help gastrointestinal motility, Improve gastrointestinal sagging, and prevent constipation.

Ingredients: Glutinous Rice, White Sugar, Mushroom, Vegetarian Lamb (Gluten mock meat), Vegetarian Ham (Gluten mock meat), Seasoning, Vegetable Oil.


选用上等糯米、素鸡、素羊肉、素火腿及香菇等馅料精制而成。糯米吸足酱料精华,口感Q软黏糯 糯米饭的功效:一是温脾胃,二是止腹泻,三是缩小便,四是收自汗。

糯米富含B族维生素性面色红润娇艳。 糯米能帮助肠胃蠕动.改善胃肠下垂,并预防便秘,让女性面色白净健康。


Homey Glutinous Rice-G 糯米雞 x2pcs (125g)

庫存單位: HM-08

Manufacturer: Li-Ter Vegetarian Sdn Bhd

Product of: Malaysia

Specifications: 125g x2pcs

Save and lift: see the package on the sealed bag.

Preservation method: Strongly recommend keep in the frozen fridge.

Product Self-life: 21 month

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